Support the Living Donor Protection Act


On Thursday, February 14th, four bi-partisan Members of Congress introduced legislation to protect living organ donors and remove some of the barriers to donation.  Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) and Representative Jerry Nadler (D-NY) along with Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and introduced The Living Donor Protection Act of 2019. Under this act, insurance companies are prohibited from denying or limiting life, disability and long-term care insurance to living donors and from charging higher premiums.  In addition, The Living Donor Protection Act of 2019 will ensure job protections for organ donors who need to take medical leave for organ donation and recovery after surgery.

Please Ask our Alaska Congressional Delegation to Support the Living Donor Protection Act of 2019

When you contact them, would you please take a moment to personalize your email adding why this bill is important to YOU!!.